No. 1 --- May 1, 1919

Petrograd: Smolny, 58.

Editor: G. Zinoviev.

Note: In the old series issues produced in Soviet Russia each COLUMN had its own page number.

This issue was reprinted by the Communist Party of Great Britain which used conventional pagination.


Manifesto of the Communist International: To the Proletarians of the World. (5-19)

Long Live the First of May! Long Live Communism! To the Working Men of the World. (April 20, 1919) (21-28)

Maxim Gorky: Yesterday and Today. (29-30)

N. Lenin: The Third International and Its Place in History (April 15, 1920) (31-40)

G. Zinoviev: Vistas of the Proletarian Revolution. (39-48)

L. Rudas: The Proletarian Revolution in Hungary. (47-56)

Angelica Balabanova: Greeting to Our Italian Comrades. (55-62)

Max Albert: A Welcome to the First Number of the "Communist International." (63-64)

K. Gruber: The Last Stage. (63-66)

Fritz Platten: The Third International. (66-67)

Jacques Sadoul: The Third International and France. (67-70)

H. Guilbeaux: The Third International and the Problems of the French Proletarians. (69-75)

L. Trotsky: Great Times. (75-76)

P. Loriot: A Letter of Comrade Loriot to the Yellow International at Berne. (77-78)

On the Death of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg: An Appeal of the Union of Spartacus. (79-82)

PHOTOS; Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht, Liebknecht Funeral, Liebknecht in the morgue, Jean Jaures, Iakov Sverdlov, Sverdlov on his deathbed.

Adhesions to the Communist International:

(1) Serbian Social-Democratic Labor Party. (83-84)

(2) Italian Socialist Party. (85)

(3) L. Rudas and G. Kohn for the Hungarian Communist Party. (86)

R. Verfuil: Letter of R. Verfuil. (85-86)

From the Executive Committee of the Communist International:

(1) Appeal to the Workmen and Soldiers of All Countries from the Communist International. (March 28, 1919) (87-89)

(2) Letter of the Executive Committee of the Communist International to the Congress of Hungarian Communists. (89-90)

(3) Radio Greeting to the Bavarian Communists. (89-90)

G. Zinoviev: New Crimes of the German "Social-Democratic" Government. (April 1, 1919) (91-92)

Resolutions of the First Congress of the Communist International:

(1) Platform of the Communist International: Drawn up by Comrades M. Albert and N. Bukharin and Adopted by the Congress. (93-100)

(2) N. Lenin: Theses on Bourgeois Democracy and Proletarian Dictatorship. (101-110)

(3) Resolution on the Attitude Towards the Socialistic Currents and the Berne Conference. (Voted by the Congress on Motion of Referees Comrades G. Zinoviev and F. Platten). (111-116)

(4) Thesis on the International Situation and the Policy of the Allies. (Passed by the Congress on Motion of the Referee Com. Ossinsky). (115-124)

(5) Resolution on the White Terror. (Drawn Up and Moved by Comrade Sirola, and Passed by the Congress). (123-126)

(6) Resolution on the Necessity of the Cooperation of the Proletarian Women in the Communist Parties. (127)

(7) Resolution of the International Communist Conference in Moscow on the Constitution of the Communist International. (March 4, 1919) (127)

(8) Motion Towards the Constitution of the Third International. (127-128)

(9) Resolution of the Moscow Congress of the Communist International on the Matter of Its Organization. (128)

(10) Declaration of the Members of Zimmerwald, Received by the Congress of the Communist International in Moscow. (129)

(11) Resolution on the Zimmerwald Association, Passed by the Congress of the Communist International in Moscow. (130)

(12) Greeting of the Congress to the Red Army. (130)

(13) Greeting of the Congress to the Ukrainian Workingmen. (130)

(14) List of Delegates at the First Congress of the Communist International in Moscow: 2nd-6th March 1919. (131-132)

Reports of the Delegates on the 1st Congress of the Communist International:

(1) St. Djoroff: Bulgaria and the Imperialists. (133-134)

(2) A. Korf: Galicia Between Two Council Republics. (135-136)

(3) James Gordon: Latest News from Germany. (136-137)

(4) André Cartigny: Revolutionary Movement in French Switzerland. (137-138)

(5) Yrjö Sirola: The Socialistic Movement in Finland. (138-140)

(6) Victor Serge: Frame of Mind of the French Proletariat. (141-142)

S.: Chronicle of the Revolutionary Movement:

(1) England. (142-143)

(2) Belgium. (143)

(3) Spain. (143)

(4) Sweden. (143-144)

(5) Denmark. (144)

(6) Norway. (144)

Arrest of Friedrich Platten. (144)

Maxim Gorky: Soviet Russia and the Nations of the World. (145-146)

V.M.: Bibliography. (147-148)

Contents. (149-150)



No. 2 --- June 1, 1919

Petrograd: Smolny, 32.

Editor: G. Zinoviev.

Note: In the old series issues produced in Soviet Russia each COLUMN had its own page number.


Down with the Treaty of Versailles! Long Live the Communist Revolution! To the Workers of the World from the Communist International. (May 15, 1919) (157-162)

N. Lenin: A Greeting to the Hungarian Workingmen. (161-166)

Anton Pannekoek: A New World. (165-170)

Sylvia Pankhurst: The New War. (171-176)

Maxim Gorky: Two Civilizations. (175-178)

N. Lenin: The Heroes of the Berne "International." (May 28, 1919) (177-184)

G. Zinoviev: Social Democracy as an Instrument of Reaction. (183-190)

Z. Hoeglund: The International in Action. (191-192)

PHOTOS: Delegates at the First Congress of the Communist International (group photo); Rosa Luxemburg; Karl Liebknecht and his son; Karl Liebknecth at the Tribune.

Eugen Muench: The Swiss Party Program. (193-196)

Victor Roebig: A Soviet Republic in Bavaria. (195-200)

Julius Alpári: The Course of the Revolution in Hungary. (199-202)

Eugene Varga: Communist Hungary. (201-204)

Clara Zetkin: In Defense of Rosa Luxemburg. (203-206)

D. Manuilsky: The Present Situation in France (Observations and Impressions). (207-214)

A. Victor: Letter from France. (215-218)

A. Lunacharsky: Public Education in Soviet Russia. [Part I] (217-222)

Bela Kun: Letter from Comrade Bela Kun to Comrade Lenin. (April 22, 1919) (223-224)

Bela Kun: Letter from Comrade Bela Kun to Comrade Ignatius Bogar. (March 11, 1919) (225-230)

Morgari: The Refusal of the Italian Socialist Party to Take Part in the Berne Conference: Letter of Comrade Morgari to the "Berner Tagewacht." (229-232)

Program of the Committee ofr the Establishment of International Relations, Carried at the Socialist Section, Congress of April 20th, 21st, and 22nd, 1919: France. (231-236)

Resolution Proposed by Frossard, Paul Faure, Veruil, and Loriot at the Berne Conference: Why Did the British Delegates from the Labour Party and ILP Oppose This Resolution? (235-238)

Text of the Agreement, Concluded in the Budapest Prison Between the Communist Party and the Social-Democratic Parties of Hungary. (237-238)

Jim Larkin: Greeting of the Irish Socialists to the Russian Communist Party and to the Congress of the Communist International. (NY, March 20, 1919) (237-238)

Proceedings of the Central Executive Committee of the Communist International:

(1) An Appeal from the Executive Committee of the Communist Interational. [Wireless appeal re: Hungarian Revolution] (239-240)

(2) How the Bourgeoisie Fights the Communist International. (240)

(3) To the Congress of the Swedish Comrades. (May 29, 1919) (241)

(4) To the Organizations of the Proletarian Youth of the World. (May 19, 1919) (241-242)

Reports of the Delegates on the 1st Congress of the Communist International:

(1) Albert: Report of Comrade Albert (Germany). (243-250)

(2) G. Zinoviev: Report of Comrade G. Zinoviev (Russia). (249-256)

(3) Stange: Report of Comrade Stange (Norway). (255-258)

Chronicle of the Revolutionary Movement:

(1) France. (259-260)

(2) Great Britain. [including coverage of Ireland, Egypt, India, and South Africa] (260-265)

(3) Italy. (265-266)

(4) Sweden. (266-267)

(5) Norway. (267-268)

(6) Denmark. (268)

(7) Finland. (268-269)

(8) United States of America. (269-272)

The Social Revolution before the Courts: Prosecution of the League "Industrial Workers of the World." (273-276)

Contents. (277-278)



No. 3 --- July 1, 1919

Petrograd: Smolny, 32.

Editor: G. Zinoviev.

Note: In the old series issues produced in Soviet Russia each COLUMN had its own page number.


Appeal of the Executive Committee of the Communist International to the Workers of All Countries. (281-284)

A New Form of Intervention: To the Workers of England, France, Italy, and America. (283-286)

Clara Zetkin: Hail to the Third Socialist International! (285-290)

Sylvia Pankhurst: Labor and the League of Nations. (291-298)

Herman Horter: World Revolution (Chapters from a New Book). (297-300)

Maxim Gorky: A Remarkable Book ("Le Feu" by Henri Barbusse). (301-304)

John Maclean: The Coal Situation. (305-306)

N. Miliutin: The Economic Program of the Communists. (May 21, 1919) (307-314)

Julius Hevesi: Economic Revolution in Hugary: From Capitalistic to Socialistic Production. (315-318)

Ilya Milkich: Socialism in Serbia. (April 30, 1919) (319-326)

P. Stuchka: Five Months of Soviet Latvia. (327-334)

E. Blonina (Inessa Armand): Vistas of the Revolution in France. (335-340)

Paul Faure: Democracy and Bolshevism. (341-342)

Henri Gilbeaux: From Brest-Litovsk to Versailles. (343-346)

G. Zinoviev: Franz Mehring. [obituary] (347-352)

M.: V. Volodarsky (1891-1918). [obituary] (351-354)

J. Markhlevsky (Karsky): In Memory of Rosa Luxemburg and Leo Jogihes (From Personal Reminiscences). (355-368)

PHOTOS: Franz Mehring (drawing); V. Volodarsky (painting); Inauguration of the Monument to V. Volodarsky in Petrograd on June 22, 1919; Group of Delegates at the First Congress of the 3rd International in Moscow.

Documents of the International Communist Movement:

(1) Affiliation of the Swedish, Norwegian, and Bulgarian Parties to the Communist International. (369)

(2) The Italian Socialist Party and the Third International. (370)

(3) The American Socialist Party and the International. (371-372)

[Includes articles from Volksrecht, March 24, 1919; Suomen Socialdem., July 3, 1919.]

(4) Raymond Pericat: The Berne Conference: From the New French Socialist Revolutionary Paper, La Vague. (Feb. 15, 1919) (371-374)

(5) F. Loriot: Views of International Socialists on the Berne Conference. (374)

(6) Eernest Toller: "Our Aim -- A Socialist league of Nations." (375)

(7) Valerine Marku: "We Want Communism Instead of Capitalism." (375)

(8) Luisa Münch: The Bern Compromisers and the Emancipation of Women. (375-376)

(9) The Avanti and the Bern Conference. (376)

Proceedings of the Central Executive Committee of the Communist International:

(1) To the Conference of the Socialist Party in Hungary. [by radio] (June 12, 1919) (377-378)

(2) Greeting of the Third International to the Communists of Slovakia. [by radio] (June 27, 1919) (378)

(3) On the Murder of Rosa Luxemburg: Appeal of the Executive Committee of the Communist International to the Communist Party of Germany. (June 12, 1919) (379-380)

Reports of the Delegates on the 1st Congress of the Communist International:

(1) Gruber: Report of Comrade Gruber (German Austria). (381-386)

(2) Jacques Sadoul: Report of Comrade Sadoul (France). (385-392)

(3) Leon Trotsky: Report of Comrade Trotsky (Russia). (391-394)

(4) Fritz Platten: Report of Comrade Platten (Switzerland). (395-398)

(5) A. Rudniansky: Report of Comrade A. Rudniansky (Hungary). (399-400)

(6) O. Grimlund: Report of Comrad O. Gimlund (Sweden). (399-402)

(7) Yrjö Sirola: Report of Comrade Sirola (Finland). (401-404)

Reports and Chronicles:

(1) A.M.: England. (405-409

(2) Andre Cartini: France. (409-411)

(3) Ian Berzin (Winter): The Festival of International Solidarity: The First of May in the West. (411-414)

(4) A. Rudniansky: The Slovak Soviet Republic. (415-416)

(5) Hans Kennet: The Growth of the German Revolution. (May 16, 1919) (416-420)

X.: The Russian Trade Unions and the Commissariat of Labor. (421-426)


(1) W. Bistriansky: Liebknecht's Trial. (427-442)

(2) Victor Serge: René Marchand's "Why I Sided with the Social Revolution." (441-444)

Contents. (445-446)



No. 4 --- August 1, 1919

Petrograd: Smolny, 58.

Editor: G. Zinoviev.

Note: In the old series issues produced in Soviet Russia each COLUMN had its own page number.


G. Zinoviev: Two Dates: 21 July --- 1 August. (5-14)

N. Lenin: On the Problems of the 3rd International (Ramsay MacDonald on the 3rd International). (15-32)

Sylvia Pankhurst: The Workers Again Betrayed. (31-38)

S. Rutgers: Kautsky -- Wilson. (39-42)

Jacques Sadoul: The Duty of the Western Proletariat. (July 24, 1919) (41-47)

Henri Gilbeaux: Extracts from the Documents of Charles Dumas. (47-52)

K. Timiriasev: Byron's Prophesy of Moscow (An Historical Examination). (July 1919) (51-54)

N. Bukharin: The Dictatorship of the Proletariat in Russia and the World Revolution. (55-62)

A. Lunacharsky: Public Education in Russia (Conclusion). (61-68)

Detcheff: Tesniaki -- The Bulgarian Communist Party. (67-70)

Documents of the International Communist Movement:

(1) Program -- Declaration: Of the Bulgarian Communist Party (Socialist-"Tesniaks," a Section of the Communist International.) [includes commentary by Zinoviev] (71-78)

Down With Intervention:

(1) The Last Message of Karl Liebknecht. (79)

(2) Appeal of the French Socialists. (80-81)

(3) Presidium of the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions: An Appeal to the Workers of the Allied Countries. (81-84)

(4) Petrograd Soviet of Workers and Red Army Deputies: To the Workers, Soldiers, and Sailors of England, France, Italy, America, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, and Serbia. (84-85)

(5) Resolution Passed at Petrograd Meetings. (86)

(6) G. Zinoviev: An Open Letter to Friedrich Adler. (July 21, 1919) (86-88)

Correspondence of the Communist International:

(1) A Letter from Bohemia. (89-94)

(2) The Revolutionary Movement in Italy (Extract from a Letter). (93-94)

From the Activity of the Executive Committee of the Communist International:

(1) Boycott of the Yellow International: To the Workers of All Countries. (95-98)

(2) To the Workers of the Allied Countries: The International Strike was Called Off -- Long Live the International Strike. (July 24, 1919) (99-102)

(3) The Fifth Anniversary of the Murder of Juares: Radio Telegram of the Executive Committee of the Communist International to Comrade Loriot, the Representative of the French Workers. (July 31, 1919) (101-104)

(4) To the Proletariat of All the World. [Soviet Hungary is Dead...] (Aug. 5, 1919) (105-106)

Heroes and Martyrs of the Proletarian Revolution:

(1) Eugene Leviné. (107-112)

(2) Biographical Notes on Comrade Uritsky (On the Anniversary of his Death). (113-114)

(3) A. Lunacharsky: Personal Reminiscences. [On Uritsky] (115-118)

Reports of the Delegates on the 1st Congress of the Communist International:

(1) S. Rutgers: Comrade Rutgers' Report (Holland). (119-120)

(2) Christian Rakovsky: Comrade Rakovsky's Report (Bulgaria). (121-122)

(3) Milkitch: Report of Comrade Milkitch (Serbia). (121-124)

(4) Comrade M. Feilich's Report (Eastern Galicia). (123-130)

(5) Yalymov: Report of Comrade Yalymov (The East). (129-130)

Reports and Chronicles:

(1) A.M.: England. (131-134)

(2) America. (133-136)

[includes coverage on bomb "Conspiracies," and "The Strike Movement."]

(3) A.M.: The Revolutionary Movement in Canada. (135-138)

(4) Andre Curtini: France. (139-140)

The Lucerne Acrobats: Report of the First Session of the yellow International Taken from the Berliner Vorwaerts, August 3, 1919. [includes editorial commentary by Zinoviev] (141-144)


(1) V. Bistriansky: The Father of Communism on the Workers Revolution (P.L. Lavrov, The Paris Commune 18th March 1871. Petrograd, 1919). (145-160).

Contents. (159-160)




No. 5 --- September 1, 1919

Petrograd: Smolny, 32-33.

Editor: G. Zinoviev.


Page numbering here is based upon the reprint of the Communist Party of Great Britain.


Photos: The Execution of a Russian Communist on the Northern Front; Tybor Samuelli; Leon Tychcho (Jogeches); The dead body of Karl Liebknecht.

Clara Zetkin: Rosa Luxemburg. (5)

N. Lenin: How the Bourgeoisie Makes Use of Renegades. (6-10)

L. Trotsky: Letter to the French Communists: To Comrades P. Monatte, Loiriot, Péricat, Rosmer. (Sept. 1, 1919) (11-12)

N. Bukharin: The Dictatorship of the Proletariat in Russia and the World Bourgeoisie. (Conclusion). (13-15)

G. Zinoviev: Impeachment of the 2nd International. (July 19, 1919) (15-16)

Iu. Markhlevskii (Karskii): What Will Become of Germany? (end of Aug. 1919) (17-22)

Henriette Roland Holst: The Bolsheviks and Their Doings. (22-26)

A. Rudnianskii: Trade Unions and Counterrevolution in Hungary. (27-29)

M. Philips Price: The Polish-German Question in West Prussia and the Peace Settlement. (29-32)

The Situation in France:

(1) F. Lorio: "Our Crisis." (33-34)

(2) Alexandre Blanc: Enough Vacillation! (34)

E. Münch: Rally to the Third International! (Part 2) (35-36)

M. Tomsky: The Russian Trade Union Movement. [Eden & Cedar Paul, trans.] (37-43)

E.K.: The "Communist Saturdays." ["Subbotniks."] (44-45)

Fritz Adler Threatens the Austrian Bourgeoisie, But--- (45)

Letter to the Editor:

(1) Jean Fabrice: A Letter from France. (Aug. 1919) (46-49)

Progress of the International Communist Movement:

(1) Socialism in Great Britain. [unsigned letter of July 16, 1919 and Aug. 28 reply by Lenin, with Aug. 30 postscript.] (50-53)

Resolution of the Communist Party of Bulgaria Concerning the Situation in Bulgaria. (54-57)

Telegram from the Central Committee fo the Communist Party of Finland: To Comrades Lenin, Zinoviev, and Trotsky. (57)

Ukrainian Socialist Federation of the Socialist Party of America: An Appeal to the Revolutionary Proletariat of Europe. [April 1919] (57)

The Norwegian Labor Party Joins the Communist International. (July 18, 1919) (57)

Resolution Passed by the Left Wing of the Swedish Social Democratic Party. (June 12-16, 1919) (57-58)

Draft Resolutions of the Swiss Organizations anent Breaking with the Second International and Joining the Communist International. (58-59)

The Finnish Workers and the Communist International. (59)

Resolution Passed by the Third Congress of the Ukrainian Federation of the Socialist Party of America. (59)

The Communist Party of Poland Joins the Third International. (59)

Resolution Passed at the Socialist Congress of Alsace-Lorraine. (59-60)

Resolution Passed by the Communist Mussulmans of Turkestan. (60)

Proceedings of the Executive Committee of the Communist International:

(1) G. Zinoviev: Parliamentarism and the Struggle for the Soviets: Circular Letter from the Executive Committee of the Communist International. (60-62)

(2) G. Zinoviev and Angelica Balabanove: To the Congress of the Italian Socialist Party at Bologna. (63)

(3) G. Zinoviev: Letter to the Congress of the Communist Party of Finland. (Sept. 3, 1919) (63-64)


Heroes and Martyrs of the Proletarian Revolution:

(1) N. Bukarin: Tybor Samuelli. (64)

(2) G. Zinoviev: Leon Tychko (Jogiches). (65)

(3) Clara Zetkin: Karl Liebknecht. (66)


Y.: The Trial of Karl Liebknecht's and Rosa Luxemburg's Murderers. (66-67)

The Jaures Monument. (67)

B.: Prosecution of Socialists in America. (68)

N.: Thirty-two Executions in Germany: From an Eye-Wtiness. (68-69)

I. Steinemann: The Communist International and the International Organization of Youth. (70)

Ryvkin (O. Skar): The Communist Movement of the Russian Youth. (71-73)

O.S.: The Communist Movement Among the Swiss Youth: Personal Impressions of a Swedish Communist. (73-74)

T.: Scandinavian Congress of Working Class Youth. [Aug. 17-18, 1919] (74-76)

F.: Congress of the American League of Youth [Young People's Socialist League]. (77)

To Arms! Manifesto of the German League of Communist Youth. (77-78)

Reports and News:

(1) Bulgaria: The Activities of the Social Democratic Party (Narrow Socialists). (78-80)

(2) M.L.: Estonia. (June 23, 1919) (80-83)

(3) Trade Unionism in Estonia. (82-83)

(4) America:

(a) Y.: The Foundation of a Communist Party. (83-84)

(b) A.M.: The Railway Strike. (84)

(c) A.M.: The Struggle Against "Radicalism" and "Bolshevism." (84)

(d) A.M.: Bolshevist Meetings. (84-85)

(e) A.M.: Sovietist Literature in America. (85)

(f) A.M.: Unemployment. (85)

(g) A.M.: The Revolutionary Movement in Canada. (85)

(5) Britain:

(a) A.M.: The Parliamentary Struggle and Direct Action. (85)

(b) A.M.: The Miners' Strike. (85)

(c) A.M.: The Rise in Prices. (85-86)

(6) B.: Sweden: The Third Congress of the Left Wing of the Swedish Social Democratic Party. (86-87)

(7) B.: Norway: Extraordinary Congress of the Social Democratic Party. (86)

(8) M.: Italy.

(9) Y.: Spain. (87-88)

(10) Switzerland:

(a) Y.: The Political Trials. (88-89)

(b) N.L.: The Revolutionary Strike. (89)




No. 6 --- October 1, 1919

Petrograd: Smolny, 32-33.

Editor: G. Zinoviev.

Note: In the old series issues produced in Soviet Russia each COLUMN had its own page number.





No. 7/8 --- Nov./Dec. 1919

Petrograd: Smolny, 32-33.

Editor: G. Zinoviev.

Note: In the old series issues produced in Soviet Russia each COLUMN had its own page number.

Hoover Institution Library has no English language copy. This list is translated from the Russian Edition.


Z. Heglund: When We Awaken the Dead.

N. Lenin: The Elections to the Constituent Assembly and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.

L. Trotsky: Jean Longuet.

Sylvia Pankhurst: Italy and Revolution.

F. Tsyperovich: International Trade Unions.

Jacques Sadoul: To the Workers and Peasants of France.

A. Rosmer: The Workers' Congress in Glasgow.

S. Rutgers: America and the Russian Revolution.

K. Geier: The German Nezavisimaia Social-Democratic Party and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.

G. Zinoviev: The International of the Placid and the International of Those Who are Rising.

John Reed: The Revolutionary Movement in America. (Part 1)

E. Arborn-Ralli: The Revolutionary Movement in Romania.

Iu. Markhlevskii (Karskii): Poland and World Revolution.

V. Bystrianskii: Terrorism and Communism.

V. Miliutin: Two Years of Economic Dictatorship of the Proletariat in Russia.

A. Lunacharsky: Soviet Power and Memorials of Olden Days.

Maxim Gorky: The International Intelligentsia.





No. 9 --- "Second Year of Issue" [March 22, 1920]

Petrograd: Smolny, 32-33.

Editor: G. Zinoviev.

Note: In the old series issues produced in Soviet Russia each COLUMN had its own page number.

Hoover Institution Library has no English language copy. This list is translated from the Russian Edition.


Klara Zetkin: The Revolutionary Battle of 1919 and the Fighters of the Revolution.

N. Lenin: Notes of a Publicist.

F. Lorno: Potishe, Longuet!

G. Zinoviev: Nabolevshie Questions of the International Workers' Movement: The Party and the Trade Unions.

Karl Radek: The History of One heudavshcheicsi buntarskoi popytki.

Yrjö Sirola: The National Question in Finland.

Sen Katayama: Japan and Soviet Russia.

John Reed: The Revolutionary Movement in America. (Part II.)

Fritz Platten: Open Letter to the Swiss comrades and to All the Workers of Switzerland.

M. Rafes: The Jewish Communist Movement.

Mikhail Tomsky: Studies of the Trade Union Movement in Russia. (Continuation.)

N. Semashko: Okrama of Health in Soviet Russia.

A. Vinokurov: Social Insurance in Soviet Russia.

E. Blonina (Inessa Armand): The Situation of Working Women in Soviet Russia.



No. 10 --- "Second Year of Issue" [May 11, 1920]

Petrograd: Smolny, 32-33.

Editor: G. Zinoviev.

Note: In the old series issues produced in Soviet Russia each COLUMN had its own page number.

Hoover Institution Library has no English language copy. This list is translated from the Russian Edition.


To The Toilers of the Whole World: The May Day Holiday of 1920.

G. Gorter: The Unity of the World Proletariat.

N. Lenin: The Third Communist International (Speech of March 6 to the Moscow Soviet).

L. Trotsky: The Paris Commune and Soviet Russia. (Chapter from a new book).

M. Gil'bo: Strasburg and Moscow.

John Reed: The Revolutionary Movement in America (Conclusion).

Ia. Fries: The Revolutionary Movement in Norway.

The Worker-Peasant Universities in Soviet Russia:

(1) V. Nevskii: Ia.M. Sverdlov Communist University in Moscow.

(2) S. Ravich: Zinoviev Worker-Peasant Universtiy in Petrograd.

Karl Radek: The Program of Social Construction.


Includes pieces on May Day in Soviet Russia by Lenin, Gorky, Trotsky, Bukharin, and Zinoviev.



No. 11/12 --- June/July 1920

Petrograd: Smolny, 32-33.

Editor: G. Zinoviev.

Note: In the old series issues produced in Soviet Russia each COLUMN had its own page number.


Concerning the Convocation of the Second World Congress of the Communist International: An Appeal by the Executive Committee. (2105-2107)

G. Zinoviev: The Second Congress of the Communist International and its Tasks. (May 14, 1920) (2109-2136)

Theses of the Executive Committee of the Communist International for the Second Congress of the Communist International:

(a) The Role of the Communist Party in the Workers' Revolution. (2137-2146)

(b) The Communist Party and the Question of Parliamentarism. (2146-2150)

G. Zinoviev: Draft of Instruction: To Communist Members of the Bourgeois Parliaments and to the Central Committees of Communist Parties, Whose Duty it is to Direct The Communist Factions in the Bourgeois Parliaments: Annex to Theses on Parliamentarism. (2151-2154)

N. Lenin: Preliminary Draft of Some Theses on the National and Colonial Question. (2155-2160)

G. Zinoviev: When and Under What Conditions Soviets of Workers Deputies Should Be Formed. (2161-2164)

Theses of the Executive Committee on the Agrarian Question. (2165-2176)

Karl Radek: The Labor Movement, Shop Committees, and the Third International: Theses. (2177-2186)

N. Lenin: Theses on the Fundamental Tasks of the Second Congress of the Communist International. (2187-2202)

L. Trotsky: To the Forthcoming Congress of The Communist International. (2203-2212)

L. Kamenev: Dictatorship of the Proletariat. (2213-2220)

Theses of the Executive Committee of the Communist International for the Second Congress of the Communist International: Conditions for joining the Communist International. (2221-2226)

G. Zinoviev: Draft of Constitution of the Communist International. (2227-2232)

Albert Inkpin: British Communists in Conference . (2233-2240)

Tom Quelch and W. MacLaine: Report as to the Communist Movement in Britain. (2241-2246).

G. Zinoviev: What the Communist International Has Been Up to Now and What it Must Become. (2247-2262)

Iu. Markhlevskii (Karskii): The Agrarian Question and the World Revolution. (2263-2270)

Frederik Ström: The Situation in Sweden. (2271-2274)

Marie Nielson: The Situation in Denmark. (2275-2280)

Thomas Darragh: Revolutionary Ireland and Communism. (2281-2294)

The Communist Movement in Bulgaria. (2295-2310)

The Romand Congress of groups of the Third International: Resolutions. (2311-2314)

Pak Din Shoon: The Revolutionary East and the Next Tasks of the Communist International . (2315-2320)

C. Rakovsky: Relations Between the Soviet Republics: Russia and Ukraina. (2321-2326)

Mikhail Pavlovich: Ukraina as an Object of the International Counter-Revolution. (2327-2336)

Karl Radek: The Polish Question and the International. (2337-2346)

B.K., "The Hungarian Workmen Under the Rule of the White Terror." (2347-2368)

Frederik Ström: The Bankruptcy of Reformism. (2569-2382)

Maxim Gorky: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. (2383-2390)

Letter of the Cadet Peter Struve to the Kolchak Minister Ivan Mikhailov. (2391-2394)

Henrietta Roland-Holst: Communism and the Stage. (2395-2400)

Scheuer: "Free Switzerland": General Orders for the Safety of Troops. (2401-2402)



(1) E. Meyer: To the Executive Committee of the Third International. (June 2, 1920) (2401-2404)

(2) G.R. Campbell and J.M. Messer: The Activities of the Scottish Workers Committees. (2403-2406)

(3) VAP: Letter from Finland. [with extensive "Editor's Note.'] (2405-2412)

(4) Coulerway Manner: "The Strike Movement in Finland." (2411-2418)

(5) A.: White Justice at Work: A Letter from Munich. (2417-2420)

(6) J.G.: Development and Present Position of the Swiss Communist Party. (2419-2426)

(7) Economic Conditions in German Austria. (A Letter from Vienna.) (2425-2432)

(8) A Letter from Romania. (2431-2434)


Documents of the International Communist Movement:

(1) Peter Stuchka: To the Executive Committee of the Communist International from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Lettland [Latvia]: Dedicated to the White Lettish Social Democrats, Who Have Concluded a "Civil Peace" with the Executioners of Lettish Workmen. (2435-2442)

(2) The "Bund" on the Soviet Power and the Third International . (2441-2446)

(3) Rupture of the Mensheviks with the Second International. (2445-2446)

(4) G. Zinoviev: To the Proletariat of the World: From the Join Session of the Petrograd Soviet and the Representatives of the English, French, and Italian Workers. (2447-2450)

(5) G. Zinoviev: To the French Proletariat. (June 9, 1920) (2449-2452)

(6) G. Zinoviev: From the Petrograd Soviet of Laborers' and Peasants' Deputies: To the Working Class of England. (June 9, 1920) (2451-2452)

(7) G. Zinoviev: To the Revolutionary Proletariat and the Revolutionary Soldiers of Italy: From the Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Red Army Deputies. (June 9, 1920) (2453-2454)

(8) The Resolutions of the Balkan Socialist Conference. (2455-2460)

(9) Bela Kun, et al.: To the Circuit Soviet of Workers, Vienna: Notification. (2459-2462)

(10) The Call of the Third International: Declaration of the Left Wing of the ILP. (2461-2466)


Activities of the Executive Committee of the Communist International:

(1) To the Workers of All Countries. (May 18, 1920) (2467-2470)

(2) K. Radek: To the Central Committee of the German Independent Social Democratic Party. (2471-)

(3) To the Organisations of the German Independent Social Democratic Party. (May2 27, 1920) (2473-2472)

(4) G. Zinoviev & Karl Radek: To the Organizations of the German Independent Social Democratic Party; to All Workers, Members of the USPD, from the Executive Committee of the Communist International. (2473-2474)

(5) A Clear Reply from the Executive Committee of the Communist International to the British Independent Labour Party. [Reply to ILP query of May 25, 1920] (2473-2494)

(6) The Communist International to the American Comrades. (2495-2500)

(7) An Open Letter to the Members of the Communist Party of Germany. (June 2, 1920) (2499-2512)

(8) To the Oppressed Peoples of Persia, Armenia and Turkey. (2513-2518)


The International of the Communist Youth:

(1) The Berlin Congress of' the International of Youth. (2519-2532)

(2) The Program of the Communist International of Youth. (2531-2536)

(3) Theses Concerning the Mutual Relations between the Communist International and the International of Communist Youth. (2537-2540)

(4) ECCI: To the Communist International of Youth: To Young Proletarians of All Countries. (2539-2540)

(5) Letter from the Executive Committee of the Communist International of Youth to the First Congress of Communist Students. (2539-2544)

(6) Hjalmar Vicksten: Young Sweden. (June 1920) (2543-2556)


International Communist Women's Movement:

L. Lilina: A Year of Struggle of the Workwomen in Western Europe and America. (2557-2566)



Menshoy: Bertrand Russell and Guild Socialism. (2567-2574)



(1) Karl Marx. (Frontispiece.)

(2) Karl Liebknecht . (Between Pages 2402 and 2403.)

(3) Eugene Levine-Nissen. (Between Pages 2418 and 2419.)

(4) K. Dobrojanu Guerea. (Between Pages 2434 and 2435.)

(5) Rosa Luxemburg in the Warsaw Jail. (Between Pages 2500 and 2501.)

(6) Frederick Engels in his Youth. (Between Pages 2538 and 2539.)


Note: Issues 11 and 12 were issued separately in Russian and German, the former with a printed publication date on the contents page of June 14, 1920 and the latter dated July 20, 1920.



No. 13 --- [Sept. 28, 1920]

Petrograd: Smolny, 32-33.

Editor: G. Zinoviev.


Based on the reprint of the Communist Party of Great Britain, which featured different typography and used a page number for each page, rather than for each column.


The Capitalist World and the Communist International: Manifesto of the 2nd Congress of the Third Communist International. (pp. 7-22)

G. Zinoviev: Opening Address. (July 19, 1920) (23-26)

An Appeal to the Workers of the World in Connection with the Russo-Polish War. (27-29)

Against the Executioners of Hungary: To the Workers of All Countries. (30)

To the Red Army and Red Fleet of the RSFSR. (31)

To the Workers of Red Petrograd. (31)

The Third International to the Labor Unions of All Countries. (32-36)

Zinoviev et al.: To All the Members of the French Socialist Party, to All Class-Conscious Proletarians of France: From the Presidium of the 2nd Congress of the Communist International. (July 29, 1920) (37-43)

G. Zinoviev: The Second Congress of the Communist International: Comrade Zinoviev's Address at the Session of the Petrograd Soviet on August 12, 1920. (44-53)

L. Trotsky: Letter to a French Syndicalist on the Communist Party. (July 31, 1920) (54-58)

Lucien Deslinieres: Communism and Production. (59-60)

Christian Rakovsky: The Soul of Victory. (61-64)

Serrati: The Socialist Movement in Italy: A Report to the Executive Committee of the Third International. (June 19, 1920) (65-67)

Nicolo Bombacci: The Reformist Opposition to the Communist Revolution in Italy. (June 1920) (68-71)

Klara Zetkin: For the Renovation of the Italian Socialist Party. (71-79)

Hilda Wertheim: Workers' Councils in German Austria. (80-81)

Mikhail Tomsky: Notes on the Labor Movement in Russia. (82-87)

John Reed: The Fighting IWW in America. (88-98)

A.N.: Communism in Armenia. (99-104)

Sultan Zade: The Communist Party of Iran. (104-105)

R. [Korean Socialist Party]: The Situation in Eastern Asia. (106-111)

Christian Rakovsky: The Communist Movement in Romania. (112-114)

M. [Belgrade] : The Labor Movement in Yugoslavia. (March 26, 1920) (115-118)

Vitali: A Letter from Italy. (118-120)

Correspondence of the Communist International:

(1) Karl Steinhardt, Michail Reisner, Karl Tolani: A Letter to the Editor. (July 20, 1920) (121-122)

(2) Henri Barbusse: A Letter of Henri Barbusse: To the Editor of La Revue Communiste. (May 9, 1920) (123)


Documents of the International Communist Movement:

(1) G. Zinoviev: The Two Paths. (124-127)

(2) Cachin: Letter of Cachin. (127-128)

(3) Declaration of Cachin and Frossard. (July 4, 1920) (128-130)


Activities of the Executive Committee of the Communist International:

(1) M.K.: The First Month's Activity of the New Executive Committee: A Brief Report. (131-134)

(2) West European Secretariat: Draft of Theses on the Tactics of the International in the Struggle for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. (Jan. 1920) (134-141)

(3) N. Bukharin, et al.: Appeal fo the Executive Committee of the Communist International: To All Workingmen & Women, to All the Toiling Masses. (Sept. 11, 1920) (142-143)

(4) Address of the Communist International to the Workers of England and France. (144-146)

(5) G. Zinoviev, N. Bukharin, N. Lenin: To the Central Committee and the Members of the Italian Socialist Party: To All the Revolutionary Proletarians of Italy, From the Executive Committee of the Communist International. (Aug. 27, 1920) (146-151)

(6) ECCI: To the Presidium and All the Members of the Communist Party of German Austria. (Aug. 26, 1920) (151-153)

(7) ECCI: To the Central Committee and All the Members of the Communist Labor Party of Gerrmany. (Aug. 26, 1920) (154-156)

(8) ECCI: To the Marxist Left Wing of the Czecho-Slovak Social Democracy and the Communist Groups of Czecho-Slovakia. (Aug. 26, 1920) (156-157)


The International of Communist Youth:

(1) After the Congress of Communsit Youth: A Sketch of the Activities of the Executive Committee of the International of Communist Youth. (158-160)

(2) Lazar Shatzkin: The International of Youth. (161-162)

(3) Resolution and Theses Adopted by the Congress of the Socialist Youth of Switzerland at Aarau in the Spring of 1920. (162-164)


International Communist Press: New Books and Journals. (165-171)



(1) N. Lenin, drawing by M. Brodskii, 1920. (Frontspiece.)

(2) During the [2nd] Congress: Group of Delegates with Zinoviev and Lenin. (Frontspiece.)

(3) Opening of the 2nd Congress of the Communist International: Audience. (Frontspiece.)

(4) Opening of the 2nd Congress of the Communist International: Lenin speaking. (Frontspiece.)




No. 14 --- [Nov. 6, 1920]

Petrograd: Smolny, 32-33.

Editor: G. Zinoviev.


Hoover Institution Library has no English language copy. This list is translated from the Russian Edition.


O tret'ei of the Starving.

G. Zinoviev: On the Halle Congress. To the Workers of the Whole World.

N. Lenin: Regarding the Historical Question of Dictatorship.

G. Zinoviev: Open Letter to Com. Serrati.

Klara Zetkin: Arevo poshara.

Eugen Varga: The Economic Position of Continental Europe.

V. Miliutin: Concerning International Economic Relations.

F. Rothstein: The Characteristics of Parliamentarism.

Iu. Markhlevskii: The World with Poland.

G. Zinoviev: How and pri kakikh usloviiakh were the Soviets Organized.

G. Safarov: Colonial Revolution: The Experience of Turkestan.

M. Pavlovich: Soviet Russia and Anglo-French Intrigue in the East.

Paul Levi: The Political Situation in Germany.

Ia. Balkher: The German Proletariat and Its Revolution.

Gramsci: The Communist Movement in Turin.

R. Lefevbre: France and Communist Revolution.

Khr. Kabakchiev: Bulgaria After the Imperialist War.

I.N.: The Moscow Congress and the Revolutionary Movement in Switzerland.

Estliandskii kommunist: The Struggle of the Trade Unions in Estland.

Ia.K. Analysis of the Position in Japan.

V. Bystrianskii: Rosa Luxemburg and Leon Tyskko before the Tsarist Femiloi.

V. Nabokov: Russian tsosol'stvo in London.



No. 15 --- [Dec. 20, 1920]

Petrograd: Smolny, 32-33.

Editor: G. Zinoviev.

Note: In the old series each COLUMN had a page number.

Hoover Institution Library has no English language copy. This list is translated from the Russian Edition.


Karl Liebknecht: Prison Writings.

Karl Radek: Problems of world Revolution in osveshchenii of International Menshevism.

G. Zinoviev: Menshevism, Communism, and World Revolution.

N. Bukharin: O pastupatel'noi Tactics.

D. Manuilskii: O Rizhskikh peregodorakh.

A. Barbusse: Dolg of Socialism.

N. Lenin: Fal'shivye Speeches on Freedom.

Mikhail Pavlovich: In the Country of teh Zheltogo International.

M. Tskhakia: Georgia and Armenia: The Entente and Soviet Russia.

G. Safarov: The East and Revolution.

Vozzvaniia of the 2nd Congress of Peoples of the East:

(1) To the Peoples of the East.

(2) To the Workers of Europe, America, and Japan.

Eugen Varga: Economic and Social Position of England, As a World derzhavy.

Jacques Sadoul: Izgnanie kniazei.

Vasil Kolarov: The October Revolution.

Gula: The Split of the Czechoslovak Social Democrats.

Finskii kommunist: Concerning the Situation in Finland.

Ia. Hertzog: The Revolutionary Movement in Switzerland.

V. Nevsky: The Work of the Communist Party in the Countryside.

N. Krupskaya: Glavpolitvrosvet.

N. Podvoiskii: What Is "Vsevobuch"?




No. 16/17 --- [1921]

Petrograd: Smolny, 32-33.

Editor: G. Zinoviev.

Note: In the English versions produced in Petrograd, each COLUMN had a page number.

The Russian-produced English language version states: "In view of the urgency of the work only some of the articles of No. 16 and No. 17 of the russian edition of the 'Communist International' have been included in this number. The regular editions of the journal will be published in the immediate future. Editor."




Note: Issues 16 and 17 were issued separately in Russian with additional content.



No. 18 --- October 1921

Petrograd: Smolny, 32-33.

Editor: G. Zinoviev.

Note: In the English versions produced in Petrograd, each COLUMN had a page number.





No. 19 --- December 1921

Petrograd: Smolny, 32-33.

Editor: G. Zinoviev.

Note: In the English versions produced in Petrograd, each COLUMN had a page number.

